(Dit schreef ik voordat ik gisteren schreef. “Woensdag 1? Dinsdag 30? Ben de tel kwijt. Maar wat later vond ik dinsdag 30 terug.)
Hittegolf. Enorme publiciteit hier natuurlijk want in de hittegolf van 2003 of zo stierven er 4.000 oudjes extra... Het rampenschema gaat in als de temperatuur ‘s nachts niet onder de 20 gaat.
Zelf ook een beetje ontregeld door die hittegolf. Vandaag Bordeaux, 34,4. En windstil.
Behalve olijfolie kan je er dus ook olijfboompjes kopen
Vond met enige doortastendheid ook die laat 11e -lijkt me- eeuwse toren die ik eerder enkel boven een gebouw uitsteken zag. Enige niet religieuze Romaanse in Bordeaux, staat in geen enkele gids.
Ga er achter aan, later nieuws hoop ik.
Tot slot winkel waar ze, typisch Bordeaux en omgeving, Macarons, macaronen verkopen. Erg lekker. Hard van buiten, zacht van binnen.
The town of St.-Emilion in Bordeaux, France, is world famous for its great wines. Locally, however, it has an equal significant reputation for its magnificent macaroons. Macaroons are small, round pastries produced mostly from ground almonds, sugar, and egg whites. There is no specific evidence as to when people first started baking macaroons, but by 1748 the kings of France were sending messengers to a particular convent because the nuns had become famous for their macaroons.
3 egg whites, room temperature
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
3/4 cup sugar
6 ounces blanched almonds, toasted and ground to a fine powder
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.
Line 2 baking sheets with aluminum foil. In a mixing bowl, beat together the egg whites, salt, and cream of tartar. Add the sugar a tablespoon at a time and continue beating until egg whites are glossy and form very stiff peaks. Gently fold in the ground almonds and flour. Drop tablespoons of batter about 1 inch apart on the prepared baking sheets.
Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until golden on the tips. Slide foil off baking sheets onto wire racks. Let stand 5 minutes. Gently peel foil away from backs of macaroons. Return macaroons to racks to cool.
The macaroons will store well in an airtight container at room temperature for 2 weeks; they will freeze well for about a month, not that I have ever seen anyone able to hold on to these tasty treats for more than 24 hours.